Token Name | Reppz Platform Limited |
Token Code | RZ-01-02-01 |
Company Jurisdiction | UK |
Nº of Shares Issued | 1,000,000 |
Nº Tokens Issued | 1,000,000 |
Token Sale Amount | £250,000 |
Rights of each Token | Each token has the equitable rights of one (1) share of the Company. (No voting rights) |
Token Price | £1.20 |
Project Jurisdiction | UK |
Target Token buy back Price | £10 |
Target Buy Back Date | 3 years (April 2022) |
GCC Platform Tokens Accepted? | Yes |
How much Platform Tokens Accepted? | £50,000 |
This Project is part of the Global Partner Program? | Yes |
REPPZ PLATFORM LIMITED is an online platform that allows us to approach brands and their celebrities and sports stars and provide a platform that lets the endorsed athletes and personalities do a promotional video on the platform to then share and send out to their hundreds of thousands - millions of fans / followers.
As an account holder with Rockstar Hubs International, we can now offer you the chance to buy into all the projects owned by Reppz Platform Limited, with tokens on sale at £1.20.
The Reppz Platform Limited (TOKEN 611), is currently priced at £1.20 with a targeted buy back of £10 within an estimated 3 years.
Each token has the equitable interest of one share of the company - with no voting rights.
With Rockstar Hubs International (RSHI) set to become a world leader in blockchain trading platforms, the Reppz Platform Limited TOKEN 611 offers incredible trading possibilities.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an aspiring business, now is the time to embrace the advantages of crypto token trading.
1.Certificate of Incorporation
2.Articles of Association
3.Shareholder’s Register
4.Director’s Register
5.Shareholder Agreement